Customer Support Automation
Chatbots can respond to questions and provide information to travelers, covering up to 80% of queries instantly and freeing time for the staff to deal with more urgent requests. DataForce has developed an end-to-end chatbot localization solution that combines our translation, crowdsourcing, and natural language processing expertise to provide a superior customer experience in almost any language.

Robots and Virtual Assistants at Your Service
An emerging trend in AI is face-to-face customer service interactions. Robots are now able to reduce queues at information or reception desks and improve overall efficiency. Besides “teaching” robots various languages, DataForce designs, runs, and analyzes user experience studies before the release of a new product or version of it.

Search Query Classification for OTAs and DMOs
Having a global search function on your website allows travelers to find all of their products using only one search field. DataForce can classify large volumes of search queries based on your product categories no matter what language your queries are in.

Sentiment Classification for Online Reputation Management
Millions of travelers make their decisions based on reviews they read on search engine results, travel blogs, and social media. Accurate sentiment annotation and classification of online reviews and social media posts is the first step toward building a reliable analytics solution. DataForce can harvest and annotate online content to help you generate meaningful analytics in any language, market, or product category.

Voice Search Optimization
If you ask a voice assistant for the top hotels in a specific area, it will provide between one and three options. Although you can ask them to provide more options, being in the top three results is a major advantage. DataForce can help you identify the most common ways users ask for services in your line of business and define your voice search optimization strategy.

Email Classification
Customer service departments deal with an overwhelming number of incoming emails. Your agents have to manually identify the topic and route each email to the relevant service—but what if that could be done automatically? DataForce can help you identify the right categories by categorizing your vast database of emails to create a highly accurate, structured training set for your classification system.

Personalized Recommendations
The aim of personalized marketing within the hotel industry is to provide recommendations based on customer and user data. This can help you target guests and travelers with specific ads about hotels or even hotel rooms according to their preferences during or outside of the booking process. DataForce evaluates search results or entire search engine result pages, including video and maps.

Automatic Voice Translation
Modern AI technologies allow voice translations from and into up to 30 languages. All you need is a smart speaker or a similar device and a connection to a cloud translation service to make travel more accessible to all. DataForce can test your implementation with hundreds or thousands of users in more than 200 languages. Through our user experience studies, we'll ensure that your voice translator becomes your own voice.